Organized by multiconer_codalab_2022
SemEval-2022 task to develop NER systems for complex entities across 11 languages.
Organized by tmickus
SemEval 2022 Task 1 - Are dictionary glosses and word embedding representations semantically equivalent? Can we generate one from the other?
Organized by multiconer_codalab_2022
SemEval-2022 task to develop NER systems for complex entities across 11 languages.
Organized by Harish
Competition Website for SemEval 2022 Task 2 - Multilingual Idiomaticity Detection and Sentence Embedding
Organized by mistims
SemEval-2022 Shared task on identifying plausible clarifications in WikiHow instructions.
Organized by r2vq
The Recipe Reading and Video Question Answering (R2VQ) task is structured as question answering pairs, querying how well a system ...
Organized by davidjurgens
Consider the following question: Given a pair of news articles, are they covering the same news story? Answering this question ...
Organized by lea
Somebody is patronizing or condescending when their language denotes a superior attitude towards others, talks down to them, or describes ...
Organized by sorenj
SemEval 2022 Task 5 - identification of misogyny in internet memes.
Organized by akutuzov
SemEval-2022 Task 10: Structured Sentiment competition
Organized by semtabfacts
Tables are ubiquitous in documents and presentations for conveying important information in a concise manner. This is true in many ...
Organized by ghpaetzold
This is the competition web page of the LCP shared task of SemEval 2021.
Organized by chrpr
Extracting Quantities and their Contexts from Scientific Texts.
Organized by Federico_Martelli
The task aims at determining whether two occurrences of the same word/translation are used with same meaning in two ...
Organized by BoyuanZheng
Organized by jdsouza
Structuring the "contributions" information from scholarly articles to facilitate contributions-centered scientific knowledge graph building.
Organized by alexandraG
A SemEval-2021 shared task on learning to classify with datasets containing disagreements.
Organized by ipavlopoulos
This task concerns the evaluation of systems that detect the spans that make a text toxic, when detecting such spans ...
Organized by Egoitz
Given a trained model, distill and transfer the knowledge to a new domain.
Organized by georgi.karadzhov
This is the competition site for the TEST set of the second edition of OffensEval organized at SemEval 2020 (Task ...
Organized by georgi.karadzhov
This is the competition site for the development set of the second edition of OffensEval organized at SemEval 2020 (Task ...
Organized by suraj1ly
Sentiment analysis of code-mixed tweets. SemEval 2020 task 9. Hindi sub task.
Organized by suraj1ly
Sentiment analysis of code-mixed tweets. SemEval 2020 task 9. Spanish sub task.
Organized by Ariel_yang
Organized by Ariel_yang
Organized by sspala
Identify and extract term and definition pairs in free text.
Organized by Shuailong
Does the statement Make Sense? And Why?
Organized by sspala
Identify and extract term and definition pairs in free text.
Organized by gg42554
This is a competition set for the Shared Task 2 of the SemEval 2020. The competition includes tasks for predicting ...
Organized by csantosarmendariz
We ask participants to try to predict the effect that context has in human perception of similarity of words.
Organized by shallowLearner
Emphasis Selection for Written Text in Visual Media
Organized by dschlechtweg
Shared task addressing the unsupervised detection of lexical semantic change, i.e., word sense changes over time, in text corpora ...
Organized by nabilhossain
This is a humor competition that requires participants to estimate the funniness of edited news headlines.
Organized by Shervin
OffensEval: Identifying and Categorizing Offensive Language in Social Media
Organized by emocontext_organizers
In this task, you are given a textual dialogue, you have to classify the emotion of last user utterance.
Organized by tsvm
Competition website for SemEval 2019 Task 8: Fact Checking in Community Question Answering Forums
Organized by borgr
Shared task on UCCA parsing in English, German and French.
Organized by msang
Given a tweet and a target (Woman or Immigrant), determine the presence of hate speech and whether it is against ...
Organized by TDaudert
Suggestion Mining from Text
Organized by TDaudert
Suggestion Mining from Text
Organized by alfredo
Unsupervised Lexical Semantic Frame Induction
Organized by se19-task10-organizers
Evaluates question answering systems on their ability to solve Math SAT questions.
Organized by SemEval.2019.Task.11
Natural Language Processing for Normalization of Medical Concepts.
Organized by CamachoCollados
This is the CodaLab Competition for the SemEval-2018 Task 9: Hypernym Discovery.
Organized by dweissen
This challenge on toponym resolution, also known as geoparsing, geo-grounding or place name resolution, aims to assign geographic coordinates to ...
Organized by dbusca
Please note that this task is being moved to another CodaLab page:
Organized by jdchoi
An entity linking task where mentions are personal nouns and entities are characters in the TV show, <i>Friends</i>.
Organized by gabor.kata
This is the CodaLab competition page for the 2018 SemEval task on Semantic Relation Extraction and Classification in Scientific Papers.
Organized by Eslefeve
This is SemEval-2018 task 3 on irony detection with two subtasks A and B.
Organized by filipilievski
Competition for the SemEval-2018 Task 5 entitled Counting Events and Participants within Highly Ambiguous Data covering a very long tail.
Organized by simono
This is the CodaLab competition for the SemEval 2018 Task 11: Machine Comprehension using Commonsense Knowledge.
Organized by Egoitz
Parsing Time Normalization
Organized by felipebravom
We present an array of tasks where systems have to automatically determine the intensity of emotions (E) and intensity of ...
Organized by krebs
Capturing Discriminative Attributes is a SemEval 2018 competition.
Organized by PeterP
Extract entities, relations, and malware attributes from a cybersecurity report.
Organized by ivan.habernal
Given a natural language argument consisting of a claim, premise, and context, the goal is to choose the correct warrant ...
Organized by CamachoCollados
This is a SemEval shared task on emoji prediction in English and Spanish
Organized by Logological
Interpretation of English Puns
Organized by Logological
Location of English Puns
Organized by Logological
Detection of English Puns
Organized by flavioAlexander
Extracting Keyphrases and Relations from Scientific Publications
Organized by ilopez077
Official competition site for the SemEval-2017 Task 1: Semantic Textual Similarity
Organized by julsal
End-User Development using Natural Language.
Organized by DorisHoogeveen
This is the SemEval 2017 Task 3 Subtask B competition.
Organized by DorisHoogeveen
This is the SemEval 2017 Task 3 Subtask D competition.
Organized by DorisHoogeveen
This is the SemEval 2017 Task 3 Subtask A competition.
Organized by DorisHoogeveen
This is the SemEval 2017 Task 3 Subtask C competition.
Organized by DorisHoogeveen
This is the SemEval 2017 Task 3 Subtask E competition.
Organized by jgc128
This the the official competition for the SemEval-2017 Task 6 - Subtask B
Organized by jgc128
This the the official competition for the SemEval-2017 Task 6 - Subtask A
Organized by seirasto
This is the competition for Subtask B in Arabic of Task 4
Organized by seirasto
This is the competition for Subtask D in Arabic of Task 4
Organized by seirasto
This is the competition for Subtask D in English of Task 4
Organized by seirasto
This is the competition for Subtask B in English of Task 4
Organized by seirasto
This is the competition for Subtask E in Arabic of Task 4
Organized by seirasto
This is the competition for Subtask A in English of Task 4
Organized by seirasto
This is the competition for Subtask E in English of Task 4
Organized by seirasto
This is the competition for Subtask C in Arabic of Task 4
Organized by seirasto
This is the competition for Subtask A in Arabic of Task 4
Organized by seirasto
This is the competition for Subtask C in English of Task 4
Organized by jonmay
Given a News/Discussion Forum AMR, produce an English sentence.
Organized by jonmay
Given a Biomedical paper sentence, produce an AMR.
Organized by bethard
Organized by CamachoCollados
This is a competition on cross-lingual word similarity. Data available for ten pair of languages involving English, Farsi, German, Italian ...
Organized by CamachoCollados
This is a competition on monolingual word similarity. Data available for English, Farsi, German, Italian and Spanish. More information at ...