> iCV-MEFED baseline and baseline paper

I would like to ask if the baseline paper with the iCV-MEFED database was published or not yet? if not can we know when will it be published?
Also, regarding to the results shown on the results page,
# User Team Name Misclassification
1 icv ICV Team 19.368662 (1)
does this result reflect the baseline performance (i.e. Recognition Acc. = 80.631338 and misclassification% = 19.368662 ) or is it just a dummy value ?

Thanks in advanced!

Posted by: geonm @ Jan. 18, 2017, 6:08 a.m.


The value is just a dummy value. The baseline paper is not published yet, but we will give updates on that soon.

Posted by: icv @ Jan. 18, 2017, 5:27 p.m.
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