ChaLearn LAP. Apparent Personality Analysis: First Impressions (first round) Forum

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> Final Ranking Leaderboard & Paper Writing

Dear Participants,

Since we are verifying the codes and still waiting for codes and face sheets of some teams, we will make the final ranking publicly available on Monday 17th.

Independently of your rank in the final leaderboard that we will provide, we encourage you to start writing the papers for the workshop in order to advance on this.

Thanks a lot again for your participation.

Best regards,

The organizers.

Posted by: vponcel @ July 15, 2016, 8:56 p.m.

Dear Participants,

Please, find the final ranking leaderboard for the test evaluation phase below for all those teams who have submitted both the code and fact sheets. The first three winners are the teams:

- First Position: 0.9160823. Team BU-NKU.
- Second Position: 0.91499745. Team evolgen.
- Third Position; 0.91329111. Team NJU-LAMDA.

Congratulations to the winners and thanks a lot everybody for your participation!

We encourage now everybody to write the papers and submit them to the workshops.

Best regards,


The final evaluation leaderboard below replaces the "Final Evaluation" leaderboard of the page: :

rank,submission_pk,Team,Accuracy,Extraversion,Agreeableness,Conscientiousness,Neuroticism,Openness,status,code received,fact sheet received

Posted by: vponcel @ July 18, 2016, 6:09 a.m.

I guess there are one position missing. for five result and average, there are only four values.


Posted by: tzzcl @ July 18, 2016, 7:07 a.m.

Dear Participants,

You are right: These are the results of each big five trait ranked by the first trait. The mean accuracy that indicates the final ranking is missing.
We will provide the correct version soon.

Thank you for reporting this and our apologies it can cause.

Best regards,

Posted by: vponcel @ July 18, 2016, 10:23 a.m.

It seems lacking the *Average Accuracy* results in that final evaluation board. Besides, the final rank might be only based on the results of "Extraversion", which is
totally wrong in that case.

Please clarify and correct it.


Posted by: AlphaCV @ July 18, 2016, 10:27 a.m.

Dear Participants,

Please refer to this post with the corrected final ranking:
(we were not allowed neither to delete any current thread from the forum nor to send a message to all participants currently).

Best regards,

Posted by: vponcel @ July 18, 2016, 11:27 a.m.
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