4th UG2+ challenge (CVPR 2021) Track 1.1 - Object Detection in the Hazy Condition Forum

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> Please make sure your team name is registered!

Dear participants,

Thanks for your effort in our UG2 challenges!

Please do remember that your team name in Codalab MUST match the team name when you register our challenge on the Google Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Ge9uDnx-qbWQ5hZyq9aMx3BYWDUTNzHSttsHr3AGOzQ
Any invalid or mismatched team names will be ignored. If you forget your team name, feel free to email us: cvpr2021.ug2challenge@gmail.com

Update your team name in Codalab via: Settings (top right) --> competition settings --> team name
Then your team name will show up beside your submissions on the leaderboard.

UG2 Challenge & Workshop organizers

Posted by: shakehealthy @ April 30, 2021, 4:24 a.m.
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