Official Website:
We provide a set of 4,322 real-world hazy images collected from traffic surveillance, all labeled with object bounding boxes and categories (car, bus, bicycle, motorcycle, pedestrian), as the main training and/or validation sets. We also release another set of 4,807 unannotated real-world hazy images collected from the same sources (and containing the same classes of traffic objects, though not annotated), which might be used at the participants’ discretization. There will be a hold-out testing set of 3,000 real-world hazy images, with the same classes of objected annotated.
This subtrack is a detection problem.
There are 2 phases:
This competition only allows you to submit the prediction results (no code):
However, the winner and the two runner ups are required to submit their model codes. Challenge organizers will test the reproducibility. Failure of reproducing the performance will lead the result on the leaderboard marked as invalid.
The submissions are evaluated using the mAP_metric metric. This metric computes the balanced accuracy (that is the average of the per class accuracies). The metric is re-scaled linearly between 0 and 1, 0 corresponding to a random guess and 1 to perfect predictions.
Final submissions must be made before the end of phase 2. You may submit 5 submissions every day and 100 in total.
Please see the full rules here.
Start: Dec. 27, 2020, midnight
Description: Dry-run phase: 100 dry-run data for debugging purpose only. This set is provided just to validate your prediction format (so you can work with our final testing in the end). mAP on this set is not accurate due to small amount of data. Feedback are provided on this dry-run set only.
Start: April 30, 2021, midnight
Description: Final testing phase: The results on the test set will be revealed when the organizers make them available.
May 1, 2021, 1:30 a.m.
You must be logged in to participate in competitions.
Sign In# | Username | Score |
1 | BD_VIS | 54.0630 |
2 | test_dry | 51.8775 |
3 | thedarkknight | 51.6130 |