MAFAT Radar Challenge - Can you distinguish between humans and animals in radar tracks? Forum

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> MAFAT Radar Challenge 2nd and 3rd Place Prize Winners Announcement

Since the competition ended, we have been evaluating the submissions of the leaders and verifying their prize-winning eligibility. Two weeks ago, we announced GSI Technology as the 1st place winners, Today, we are delighted to formally announce the 2nd and 3rd Place winners:

2nd place ($10000) prize winner – Axon Pulse

3rd place ($5000) prize winner – Ido Kazma (rogueneuron)

Congratulation to Ido and the Axon pulse team, MAFAT would like to thank all of the participants for embracing the challenge and for their enthusiastic participation and cooperation!
If you want to study Axon Pulse technical approach in this challenge, take a look at this blog post:
We would like to remind you that MAFAT plans to launch additional competitions. You can subscribe to MAFAT Challenge's mailing list here ( and get information regarding future competitions straight to your inbox.

Posted by: Mafat_Challenge @ Jan. 13, 2021, 3:02 p.m.
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