Start: July 15, 2020, 8 a.m.
Description: Participants are asked to train their models on the training set and submit their results, predicting the labels of the public test set. Participants are asked to give a probability score for each segment in the provided test set, where humans are classified as 1 and animals as 0. The submission file must be a “.csv” file packed as a “.zip” file. The names of the columns must be “segment_id” and “prediction".
Start: Oct. 8, 2020, 8 a.m.
Description: The private test set includes 248 unlabeled segments. Participants are allowed to re-train their models on the combined training set (including the original training set from stage 1 and the full, labeled, public test set). During stage 2, participants are required to submit up to 2 submissions for final judging, giving the prediction of the segments in the private test set. Teams, please make sure that you submit only 2 submissions as a team. This phase will last until October 15th, 11:00 AM Israel time (GMT + 3).
Oct. 15, 2020, 8 a.m.
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