I submitted the ZIP with 20 images and readme.txt, and all the submitted images had the name in the Validation such as "000_LR.png" "001_LR.png" ……
Such a mistake was reported at last:
Invalid file type ().
I see no submission from you on the server.
This means that you've failed to upload the zip archive to the server.
Maybe the error was at the upload because you tried to upload an archive without .zip extension?
thanks,but such mistake was reported at last:
WARNING: Your kernel does not support swap limit capabilities or the cgroup is not mounted. Memory limited without swap.
Execution time limit exceeded!
Your results submission should be a zip archive with only the images and the readme file in the root of the archive.
There should be no other files/folders, and the output images filenames should be the same as those of the input images.
I've re-run one of your submissions that seemed OK.
Posted by: Radu @ May 18, 2020, 10:21 a.m.