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> Reach the Max Number of Submission

Dear Organizers,

I reached the max number of submissions of Codalab.

Before the test data released, I've tried several times to find out the correct submission format. The correct submission format is an "answer.zip" file, and this file only contains "answer.txt" which is the test dataset decode result.

Today I decode the test dataset and try to upload the result, but I get an error message of the max number of submission. Could you please remove the submissions I made before March 25th?


Posted by: a609640147 @ March 25, 2020, 2:14 a.m.

Hi Chang,

Sure, we will delete your current submissions.

@all participants: We will release the submission instructions today. Please do not submit until then as there is a max of 2 submissions only. We want participants to not make multiple submissions based on the test set score, which would be equivalent to tuning on the test set.. In case you want to re-submit due to an erroneous submission, we will look into it on a case by case basis.


Posted by: Ajay_backup @ March 25, 2020, 4:45 p.m.

Hi Organizers.

Is the max number of submissions 2 only during the whole evaluation period?



Posted by: Mi @ March 27, 2020, 6:48 a.m.
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