AIM 2019 Real World Super-Resolution Challenge - Track 2: Target domain Forum

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> use of external dataset

I wonder whether I can use external image datasets to train my model including pretraining.
For example, in case of the track 1, a model, trained with other high-resolution image sets including track 2 target dataset, can be used for image reconstruction in test phase.

Posted by: minimok @ Aug. 9, 2019, 6:34 a.m.


You are allowed to use other data (including the track 2 target data in track 1), with the exceptions listed below:
1. You are NOT allowed to use the original (i.e. clean) Flickr2K dataset.
2. You are NOT allowed to apply hand-crafted or reverse engineered degradations to any datasets for training (external or provided).

The use of additional/external data must be specified in the submission.

Posted by: mdanelljan @ Aug. 14, 2019, 4:40 p.m.
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