High Resolution Human Parsing

Organized by Yanda95 - Current server time: March 10, 2025, 4:09 p.m. UTC


May 1, 2021, midnight UTC


April 1, 2021, midnight UTC


Competition Ends
May 15, 2021, noon UTC


High-Resolution Human Parsing Task

Maadaa.ai collect this dataset is for high-resolution human parsing named HRHP. We specify 24 semantic categories for human body-parts including: background, skir, hair, left shoe, right shoe, left arm, right arm, face, left leg, right leg, sunglasses, socks, dress, handheld-objects, coat, hat, upper clothes, gloves, scarf ,pants, jumpsuits, torson skin, head-else and else. In this task, we discard those uncommon categories(i.e., handheld-objects, torson skin, head-else and else) and keep those common-observed 19 categories along with background. 

The HRHP dataset contains 7500 images in total. We split the whole dataset into separate training set, validation set and test set by random selection, and we end up with 6000, 500 and 1000 images for training, validation and testing. 


HRHP: Evaluation

The problem is a high-resolution human parsing problem. Each picture includes one person with high-resolution. You must predict the semantic segmentation categories of each pixel. 
You are given original training image and label map. You must train a model which predicts the labels for 20 categories.
To prepare your submission, you need to predict the validation/testset and get the results with the same name.

There are 2 phases:

  • Phase 1: development phase. We provide you with labeled training data and unlabeled validation data. Make predictions for validation dataset, you will receive feed-back on your performance on the validation set. No limit on the number of submissions. You should keep the result and the picture the same name(.png) , name the folder result_submission and compress it. The performance of your LAST submission will be displayed on the leaderboard.
  • Phase 2: final phase. We provide you with unlabeled testset. Make predictions for test dataset. You ONLY have 5 chances to submit. You should keep the result and the picture the same name(.png) and name the folder result_submission and compress it. Your performance on the test set will appear on the leaderboard when the organizers finish checking the submissions.

This sample competition allows you to submit either:

  • Only prediction results (no code).

The submissions are evaluated using two metircs, EIoU(Edge IoU) and mIoU(mean IoU) metric(%). EIoU metric computes the dilated edge position intersection over union (that is the average of the per class), mIoU metric computes the mean intersection over union. Both of EIoU and mIoU between 0 and 100, the closer to 100 means better result. The ranking is mainly based on EIoU.

HRHP: Rules

During phase 1, no limit on the number of submissions.

During phase 2, you only have 5 chances to submit.

This challenge is governed by the general ChaLearn contest rules.


Thanks for your interest in the High Resolution Human Parsing dataset. 

Before I can send you the dataset, I need you to verify that you understand and will abide the license agreement associated with this dataset.


The license is attached. Please read it carefully.


While you should read the actual license in full, here are a few important points I want to emphasize:


This dataset may ONLY be used for non-commercial uses

This means that it cannot be used to train models for commercial use

You may NOT redistribute the dataset (This includes posting it on a website or sending it to others)

You may include images from this dataset in academic papers

These restrictions include not just the images in their current form but any images created from these images (i.e. “derivative” images)

We will be sending the training images, training labels, validation images and testing images. 

Models trained using our data may only be distributed (posted on the internet or given to others) under the condition that the model can only be used for non-commercial uses

The dataset is provided “as is” with no warranty

Any publications utilizing this dataset should reference our paper



Please acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to abide by the conditions of the license.




-Yanda Li


Start: April 1, 2021, midnight

Description: Development phase: directly submit results on validation data


Start: May 1, 2021, midnight

Description: Final phase: directly submit results on test data. The results on the test set will be revealed when the organizers make them available.

Competition Ends

May 15, 2021, noon

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# Username Score
1 soeaver 49.0900
2 DeepBlueAI 47.1000
3 DISL 45.3300