SemanticKITTI: 4D Panoptic Segmentation (OLD)

Organized by jbehley - Current server time: March 26, 2025, 6:46 p.m. UTC


Sept. 15, 2020, midnight UTC


Competition Ends

Beware: This is the old competition; no submissions are possible here.

New competition can be found at

Please note, we will not approve accounts with email addresses from free email providers, e.g.,,,, etc. Only university or company email addresses will get access. See also our terms and conditions.

SemanticKITTI: 4D Panoptic Segmentation

SemanticKITTI is a large-scale dataset providing point-wise labels for the LiDAR data of the KITTI Vision Benchmark. It is based on the odometry task data and provides annotations for 28 classes, including labels for moving and non-moving traffic participants. Please visit for more information.

In this competition, one has to provide instance IDs and semantic labels for each point of the test sequences 11-21. The instance ID needs to be uniquely assigned to each instance in both, space and time. Therefore, the input to all evaluated methods is a list of coordinates of the three-dimensional points along with their remission, i.e., the strength of the reflected laser beam which depends on the properties of the surface that was hit. Each method should then output a label and instance for each point in a sequence of scans. The class-wise instance ID does only count for so-called thing classes that are "instantiable" and will be ignored for the stuff classes.

If you use our benchmark consider, it would be nice if you also cite the paper describing the task and the metric:

author = {M. Ayg\"un and A. Osep and M. Weber and M. Maximov and C. Stachniss and J. Behley and L. Leal-Taixe},
title = {{4D Panoptic Segmentation}},
booktitle = {Proc. of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
year = 2021}

Beware: This is the old competition; no submissions are possible here.

New competition can be found at



Data Format

Similar to the training data, you have to provide a single zip containing a folder "sequences". The sequence folder contains sub-folders "11", "12", ..., "21", which contain a folder "predictions". There one has to provide for each scan a label file in binary format containing for each point an unsigned int (32-bit) with the instance and label, which contains in the upper part (16-bits) a class-wise instance id and in the lower part (16-bits) the class.

The contents of the zip-file should be organized like this:

    ├── 11
    │   └── predictions
    │         ├ 000000.label
    │         ├ 000001.label
    │         ├ ...
    ├── 12
    │   └── predictions
    │         ├ 000000.label
    │         ├ 000001.label
    │         ├ ...
    ├── 13
    └── 21

It is strongly recommended to use the verification script of the SemanticKITTI API (available at github), since all submissions count towards the overall maximum number of submissions.

Note: The upload of the zip file with your results takes some time and there is (unfortunately) no indicator for the status of the upload. You will just see that is being processed upon successful uploading your data.

Evaluation Criterion

We use the LiDAR Segmentation and Tracking Quality (LSTQ) metric proposed by Aygun et al., which generalizes panoptic quality to the tracking scenario. The metric decouples the semantic quality and the association quality of the tracks. Please see the paper (Link) for more information. Important: In this metric, instances have to have unique instance ids, since we account for changes in the class in the evaluation of the association quality. Therefore, the same instance ids of different classes are treated as a single (tracked) object in the metric!

As the classes other-structure and other-object have either only a few points and are otherwise too diverse with a high intra-class variation, we decided to not include these classes in the evaluation. Thus, we use 25 instead of 28 classes, ignoring outlier, other-structure, and other-object during training and inference.



Beware: This is the old competition; no submissions are possible here.

New competition can be found at


Terms and Conditions

Submission Policy

Only the training set is provided for learning the parameters of the algorithms. The test set should be used only for reporting the final results compared to other approaches - it must not be used in any way to train or tune systems, for example, by evaluating multiple parameters or feature choices and reporting the best results obtained. Thus, we impose an upper limit (currently 10 attempts) on the number of submissions. It is the participant's responsibility to divide the training set into proper training and validation splits, e.g., we use sequence 08 for validation. The tuned algorithms should then be run - ideally - only once on the test data and the results of the test set should not be used to adapt the approach.

The evaluation server may not be used for parameter tuning since we rely here on a shared resource that is provided by the Codalab team and its sponsors. We ask each participant to upload the final results of their algorithm/paper submission only once to the server and perform all other experiments on the validation set. If participants would like to report results in their papers for multiple versions of their algorithm (e.g., parameters or features), this must be done on the validation data and only the best performing setting of the novel method may be submitted for evaluation to our server. If comparisons to baselines from third parties (which have not been evaluated on the benchmark website) are desired, please contact us for a discussion.

Important note: It is NOT allowed to register multiple times to the server using different email addresses. We are actively monitoring submissions and we will revoke access and delete submissions. When registering with Codalab, we ask all participants to use a unique institutional email address (e.g., .edu) or company email address. We will not approve email addresses from free email services anymore (e.g.,,, If you need to use such an email address, then contact us to approve your account.

License and Citation

Creative Commons License

Our dataset is based on the KITTI Vision Benchmark and therefore we distribute the data under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike licence. You are free to share and adapt the data, but have to give appropriate credit and may not use the work for commercial purposes.

Specifically you should cite our work:

      author = {J. Behley and M. Garbade and A. Milioto and J. Quenzel 
                  and S. Behnke and C. Stachniss and J. Gall},
      title = {{SemanticKITTI: A Dataset for Semantic Scene Understanding of LiDAR Sequences}},
      booktitle = {Proc. of the IEEE International Conf. on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
      year = {2019}}


 author = {M. Ayg\"un and A. Osep and M. Weber and M. Maximov and C. Stachniss and J. Behley and L. Leal-Taixe},
 title = {{4D Panoptic Segmentation}},
 booktitle = {Proc. of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
 year = 2021}

But also cite the original KITTI Vision Benchmark:

      author = {A. Geiger and P. Lenz and R. Urtasun},
      title = {{Are we ready for Autonomous Driving? The KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite}},
      booktitle = {Proc.~of the IEEE Conf.~on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
      pages = {3354--3361},
      year = {2012}}

For more information, please visit our website at

Beware: This is the old competition; no submissions are possible here.

New competition can be found at


How to Participate

Before you can submit your first results, you need to register with CodaLab and login to participate. Only then you can submit results to the evaluation server, which will score your submission on the non-public test set.


  1. Prepare your submission in the required format, as described under the Evaluation section. CodeLab expects you to upload a single zip.
  2. Use the validation script from the semantic-kitti-api to ensure that the folder structure and number of label files in the zip file is correct. All submissions count towards the overall maximum number of submissions!
  3. Go to Participate and the Submit / View Results page.
  4. Enter the required fields, where you can supply also later more details, if you need to take care of anonymity in case of double blind submissions.
  5. Then you have to click "Submit" in the lower part of the page, which will open a file dialog. In the file dialog, you have to select your submission zip file, which will be then uploaded.
    Important: Don't close the window or tab until you see that a row has been added in the table under the "submit" button.
  6. The evaluation takes roughly 30 minutes to complete and you will have the choice, which of your submission gets added to the leaderboard.

Good luck with your submission!


Start: Sept. 15, 2020, midnight

Competition Ends


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# Username Score
1 quanyyds 0.642
2 lkreuzberg 0.639
3 rmarcuzzi 0.631