ChaLearn Looking at People 2015 - Track 2: Cultural Event Recognition Forum

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> Team registration and code submission instructions

Dear participants,
in order to have constance of the teams, we need that all the "team leaders" send an email to with the subject:

ChaLearn Looking at People 2015 - Track 2: Cultural Event Recognition (TEAM NAME)

And in the body of the mail you should specify:

- Name of the group that will be used for results submission in the final evaluation phase
- Name and email of the leader
- Names of the rest of team members
- Link for download the Codalab dataset of your code or its KEY (see information on how to submit in this message)

Instructions for code upload:
To upload your code, you have to create a dataset in Codalab, using the tab "Competitions -> My Datasets", and create a new dataset. After submitting the code, you will see the KEY assigned to your dataset, that is the required information we need to download it.

In case of a new version of the code requires to be submitted after the competitions (see the rules), the team leader will be required to send another email with the same information and adding a list of the performed changes.

Other information:
The templates for the fact sheets will be published on Monday in the data section of the competition.

Posted by: xbaro @ Sept. 4, 2015, 3:39 p.m.
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