ChaLearn Looking at People 2015 - Track 2: Cultural Event Recognition Forum

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> sample for submission


Can a sample submission format be provided?

Posted by: abhishek4 @ July 13, 2015, 8:52 a.m.


In the section "Evaluation" you can see the details about the submission format.

*You must submit a ZIP file containing the predictions TXT files (100 in total) for each category. For example, to the category "La Tomatina", the output of your method should be a file (La_Tomatina.txt) containing the identifiers and confidences for each image:

002234.jpg 0.056313
010256.jpg 0.127031
010987.jpg 0.287153

If you have any more doubts please let us know.


Posted by: jfabianarteaga @ July 13, 2015, 3:46 p.m.
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