VQA Real Image Challenge (Open-Ended) Forum

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> What files in results.zip?

In order to submit to test-dev, what files should be in the results.zip besides the json file?
I get an error saying that there was a problem retrieving stderr.txt when I try to submit.

Posted by: SethPark @ Feb. 22, 2016, 2:49 a.m.

You just need the json file. Please make sure that you are following the guidelines for submitting results as mentioned in our VQA Challenge page (http://www.visualqa.org/challenge.html):

Before uploading your results to the evaluation server, you will need to create a JSON file containing your results in the correct format as described on the evaluation page. The file should be named "vqa_[task_type]_[dataset]_[datasubset]_[alg_name]_results.json". Replace [task_type] with either "OpenEnded" or "MultipleChoice" depending on the challenge you are participating in, [dataset] with either "mscoco" or "abstract_v002" depending on whether you are participating in the challenge for real images or abstract scenes, [datasubset] with either "test-dev2015" or "test2015" depending on the test split you are using, and [alg] with your algorithm name. Place the JSON file into a zip file named "results.zip".

Posted by: vqateam @ Feb. 25, 2016, 6:27 p.m.
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