SemEval-2022 Task 09: R2VQ - Competence-based Multimodal Question Answering Forum

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Hello everyone:

I'm a student, a beginner, and this is my first attempt at solving this type of problem.
I've tried building a deep learning model to accomplish this task, but the results on the validation set are pretty bad. I thought about it for a long time and still haven't found a better solution to deal with this kind of task. I don't know how to proceed now.
I need help. Here I hope that everyone can provide me with a simple and basic solution rather than a specific implementation, otherwise it may affect the fairness of the task. Or tell me an existing similar task for me to learn. I would be very grateful for this.


Posted by: wwwjhhhhh @ March 30, 2022, 4:29 a.m.
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