We have made a controller whose evaluation requires some additional modules like keras. We tried to follow the instructions as given in the tutorial to have a new docker image, but are constantly running into errors and our required modules are not getting loaded when we submit. We would be very grateful if you could help us with this since our controller is ready and the docker image error is the only thing limiting our evaluation as of now. Can you help us generate a docker file with TensorFlow and Keras so that we can successfully submit our controllers? We would greatly appreciate any help!
Thank you for your time!
Dear Shaurya,
the error log of one of your latest debug submissions hints at python not being correctly set up in your selected docker image:
start.sh: line 7: exec: python: not found.
(Click "View ingestion error log" to view the log for a submission.)
Depending on your docker image set up, you may have to change "python" to "python3" in the start.sh file of your submission.
You may build a valid docker image by extending upon our python base image:
Good luck with the competition!
Posted by: LearningByDoing @ Sept. 26, 2021, 12:30 p.m.Thanks!
Posted by: shaurya23 @ Sept. 26, 2021, 1:54 p.m.