NeurIPS 2021 BEETL Competition - Benchmarks for EEG Transfer Learning Forum

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> Submission for code/document is due soon.

Dear teams,
we are delighted to see that around 20 teams submitted for the final testing phase and many high-quality teams had fairly high scores. I would like to thank you again for paying attention to our competition. The code and 2-page document submission are due soon on 8th Oct (to email - This is for validating your submitted predictions on the leaderboard. The code should be able to reproduce the training of your model and reproducing your submitted results (need to be well-annotated). We suggest using GitHub (as this is your code and 'patent') or sending us the files (document and code will be reviewed only within our organising team without sharing with externals). The 2-page documents should contain your name, contact and lab/institute, more importantly, your detailed method description. Winning teams will also be invited to our NeurIPS workshop session to give a talk and as co-authors of our report in a PMLR special volume. Other interesting methods will also have chances to give a short talk in our workshop session based on our evaluation.

Best regards,
Xiaoxi Wei
BEETL Organising Team

Posted by: BEETLCompetition @ Oct. 8, 2021, 3:31 a.m.

Did we get a confirmation to make sure that the organizing team receive the submit document and code ? Sometime, I missed emails from codaLab because I received emails from codaLab as spam emails.

Posted by: wduong @ Oct. 11, 2021, 1:53 p.m.

Thanks for your submission. We will send the confirmation in the next few days.

Posted by: BEETLCompetition @ Oct. 12, 2021, 8:19 a.m.
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