1) When do we suppose to send the code + 2 pages summary on how to run the code for the final phase ? Do we need to send everything before October 1 ?
2) Can we use label data from phase 1 as a supplement to build the final model on phase 2 ? For example, I want to combine label data from phase 1 of task 2 with label data from phase 2 of task 2.
3) Do you shuffle the trials in task 1 when you convert the raw data into epoch trials ?
4) There is a "submit to leaderboard" option for the Final Scoring phase sleep and Final Scoring phase motor imagery. Do we publish the result with this for final phase leaderboard ?
Thanks for the question.
1) When do we suppose to send the code + 2 pages summary on how to run the code for the final phase? Do we need to send everything before October 1?
- we will ask for the document and code 1 week after the 1 Oct submission deadline, around 7th Oct. a detailed date will be noticed through email message soon.
2) Can we use label data from phase 1 as a supplement to build the final model on phase 2 ? For example, I want to combine label data from phase 1 of task 2 with label data from phase 2 of task 2.
- we do not provide the data label in phase 1, but you could use currently released data in phase 1.
3) Do you shuffle the trials in task 1 when you convert the raw data into epoch trials ?
yes, trials are not in the temporal order.
4) There is a "submit to leaderboard" option for the Final Scoring phase sleep and Final Scoring phase motor imagery. Do we publish the result with this for final phase leaderboard ?
yes pls do, I will also message participants to remind them of that.
Posted by: BEETLCompetition @ Sept. 16, 2021, 2:01 a.m.