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> The file always load fail. my submission file size is about 22M. Please check~


Thank you for your interest in our dataset and challenge!

I can see in my console that the error you get is the following:

assert scores.shape == targets.shape, "The input and targets do not have the same size: Input: {} - Targets: {}".format(scores.shape, targets.shape)
AssertionError: The input and targets do not have the same size: Input: (20410, 17) - Targets: (130026, 17)

This indicates that you are only submitting test results for 15% of the test split.
In order to evaluate on the test split please submit predictions for all the test split data points.


Posted by: JoakimHaurum @ Aug. 30, 2021, 7:43 a.m.


It seems like you got it working now. What was the cause of the problem? And is there anything else you need assistance with?


Posted by: JoakimHaurum @ Aug. 31, 2021, 12:07 p.m.
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