When attempting to submit a json file server responds with an error saying wrong file type "Application/json"?
Posted by: rays2pix @ Sept. 17, 2021, 7:29 p.m.The challenge deadline is today and we are not able to submit 'json' files to the server. Hope this gets fixed and we get an extension for submission.
Posted by: rays2pix @ Sept. 17, 2021, 7:42 p.m.Dear participant,
please check if you are using the correct template and submitting following the instructions (i.e., related to the compression of the file), as copied below:
To submit your predicted results on each track (and on each of the phases), you first have to compress your "predictions.csv" file (track 1) or "predictions.json" file (track 2) - please, keep the prediction filenames as they are - as "the_filename_you_want.zip". Then,
sign in on Codalab -> go to our challenge webpage on codalab (track 1 or track 2) -> go on the "Participate" tab -> "Submit / view results" -> "Submit" -> then select your "the_filename_you_want.zip" file and -> submit.
Let us know if this does not solve your problem.
Sorry, Missed to upload it as a zip file. Thank you for pointing it out and extending the deadline . Thank you.
Posted by: rays2pix @ Sept. 18, 2021, 12:56 a.m.