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> How to make your submissions appear in both Clicks and Sales leaderboards

A common question that we receive in the forums or through the contact email is about the Sales leaderboard and why your submissions may not appear in it.

The answer is basically that Codalab doesn't support 2 submissions (=zip file) to appear simultaneously in the leaderboards. Therefore by default the one with the best Click logloss will be selected to appear in both. If that submission doesn't contain sales predictions it will thus have a logloss of 10000.

One way to make your (best) submission appear on the Sales leaderboard is to use the "Submit to Leaderboard" button that appears when you display the details of a submission. You can find it on the "Participate" > "Submit / View Results" menu and by clicking on the "+" sign on the right of your submission. This would supersede the default choice.

Also, if you'd like to have your best submissions for Click and Sales to appear simultaneously you can put them in the same zip and submit it. This way you may appear at your best rank in both leaderboards.

Posted by: eustache @ June 10, 2021, 6:29 a.m.
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