Triangular MT: Using English to improve Russian-to-Chinese machine translation Forum

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> About training data

Hi all,

May I ask some questions about the training data:
1. we are only allowed to use the provided three parallel data?
2. there are no details about monolingual data, can we use some monolingual data such as RU or ZH?

Thanks for your help.


Posted by: wly0229 @ April 27, 2021, 2:17 a.m.

Hi Longyue,

To answer your questions:

1. Are we only allowed to use the provided three parallel data?
Ans: You are allowed to use only the 3 sets of parallel data provided to you (which you can access by signing up for the shared task on Codalab and download using the released scripts in "Participate" --> "Get Data"). The rules forbid the use of any other data resource.

2. there are no details about monolingual data, can we use some monolingual data such as RU or ZH?
Ans: No, you are not allowed to use any other monolingual data as well.

Thanks for those clarification questions. Feel free to reach out to me (either by email or in this forum) in case you have more questions.

- Ajay

Posted by: ajaynagesh @ April 27, 2021, 6:41 p.m.
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