CVPR 2021 Human-centric video coding for analytics - Track 2 (FVC) Forum

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> [FVC Challenge] Notification on the final testing phase starting

Dear FVC workshop & challenge participants,

Once again thank you for your participation in the 1st FVC (CVPR2021) Challenge Track 2!
We are starting the testing phase for Track 2 Challenge. This email is to notify you of the details of the testing phase.

In the Dryrun stage, the submissions are the output files.
In the final testing stage, the submissions are uploaded to a cloud drive (Baiduyun, Google Drive, One Drive, Dropbox, etc.) and your submission is a text file with only the link denoting the place of your submission in the cloud drive.
You should submit the text file to codalab and meanwhile send as attachments to the email (
We will download your results and run the evaluation offline.

We also provide a script to help you check whether your submission is valid:
Once the final testing phase ends (23:59, 16 June, UTC), the top three teams are immediately visible on the leaderboard (

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at

Thank you!

FVC Challenge & Workshop organizers

Posted by: flyywh @ June 15, 2021, 5:27 a.m.

Dear FVC workshop & challenge participants,

The final testing dataset is available here:
1) Onedrive:
2) Baiduyun (extraced code: nr4v):
3) Dropbox:

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at

Thank you and cheer!

FVC Challenge & Workshop organizers

Posted by: flyywh @ June 15, 2021, 1:03 p.m.
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