> Sélection of submissions for final round


I see that only a few submissions from development have been copied to final. Is there a specific reason for that? I do not remember seeing an option to submit development submissions to final.


Posted by: goulagman @ May 1, 2021, 9:03 p.m.

OK from what I have understood, the submissions that have been selected are the ones that were once the best in my development submissions. This process means that the order of the submissions can impact our final ranking which seems a bit odd to me. For example, my best solution on the final round is not my best solution on the dev round but my second to best. If I had submitted the last one before, my final ranking would have been worse.

Since the offline evaluation I used on my side did not yield the same results as the dev one, would it be possible at least to have the final score on all submissions? I would like to see if the submissions I made after my best one in the development round are better or not on the final task since, according to my offline eval, they were better.


Posted by: goulagman @ May 3, 2021, 8:50 a.m.
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