NTIRE 2021 Defocus Deblurring using Dual-pixel Images Challenge Forum

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> Question on workshop paper submission

Hi, many thanks for managing the competition.
I have a question about the paper submission for the workshop.

I have a paper provisionally accepted to the main CVPR conference,
and the method I am using for this competition is basically the same, but is with more network size.

The main page for the workshop says,
"If a paper is submitted also to CVPR and accepted, the paper cannot be published both at the CVPR and the workshop.",
but doesn't specify what we have to do with the accepted paper with workshop.

Would you clarify what we have to prepare for the workshop paper?
Is our method for the competition can be submitted to the workshop?


Posted by: junyonglee @ March 1, 2021, 4:37 a.m.


The submitted papers will be judged for their contributions and quality, like any other CVPR paper.
A bit of bias will be for the top ranked solutions, as their performance and technical details are of particular interest.

You can check the CVPR 2021 submission guidelines:

Thus, if a paper is already accepted by the CVPR main conference then it should not submitted to NTIRE workshop in a similar form. A significant overlap means 20% according to CVPR rules.

I understand that the difference between the solution described in your CVPR main conference paper and the one proposed for this challenge is minor.

A paper submission to NTIRE workshop is not mandatory for the participants to get ranked in the NTIRE challenges.

The proposed solutions in this challenge will be described in the factsheets and roughly in the challenge report where they can be linked to the relevant literature.

Please let me know if this answers your question.

Posted by: Radu @ March 1, 2021, 7:21 a.m.

Thanks for the response! and it answered the question.


Posted by: junyonglee @ March 1, 2021, 7:24 a.m.
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