UG2+ 2021 Track1.2 - Face Detection in the Low-Light Condition Forum

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> The final learderboard has been online!

Dear participants,

Thanks for your effort in our UG2+ challenges!
The final leaderboard has been online at:

Note that, we could not find the following group names in the registration information: TsingMicro, BUPT_MS, DLA, lab523, whatteam, UM-CAS, and USTC-NELSLIP.
Please send the email to us if you still hope to be listed on the leaderboard.

If you find any other issue with the leaderboard, please also send the information to us (send to, and cc to

UG2 Challenge & Workshop Organizers

Posted by: flyywh @ May 1, 2021, 7:53 a.m.
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