ROD2021 Challenge @ ICMR 2021 Forum

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> [PLEASE READ] Final Steps for ROD2021 Challenge

Dear ROD2021 Challenge Participants,

Thanks for your participation in our ROD2021 Challenge! The challenge will end on March 26th. There are some key takeaways you need to take care of:

1. Final score: the final evaluation is based on your **public** results in the **second** phase leaderboard only. Please remember to submit your best results to the leaderboard before the deadline.

2. Paper submission: We will select some good-quality papers, under fast turn-around peer reviews, to publish to ACM ICMR 2021 as **special session papers**. All teams are required to submit a manuscript to describe their method and results. The teams who fail to submit the papers will NOT be considered as the winners.

Special Session Paper Submission:
- Deadline: April 2nd, 2021 11:59 PM (Pacific Time)
- Length: 6-8 pages (6 pages limit + references)
- Templates and other resources:
- Please submit your papers to email:

3. Code submission: Please include a GitHub link to your code in your submitted papers or email.

4. Valid participants: The final prizes (top-3 rankings) will be awarded to the valid teams only that obey the rules of the ROD2021 Challenge and submit **both paper and code** according to the previous bullets.

5. Winner announcement: The winners will be announced after the paper and code are reviewed (around April 5th). Some teams (not limited to top-3 teams) will be invited to present their works in the special session at ACM ICMR 2021.

Good luck!

Best regards,
ROD2021 Challenge Organizers

Posted by: ywang26 @ March 17, 2021, 1:45 a.m.
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