Multimodal Emotion Recognition on Comics scenes (EmoRecCom) Forum

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> Participate as team

Hi Organizers,
I want to participate as a team but cannot see the COMPETITION TEAM( button enabled. Should I form a team in Profile Teams( and participate?

Further, can you please clarify this statement written under terms and conditions/team: 'Team mergers are allowed and can be performed by the team leader. Team merger requests will not be permitted after the "Team merger deadline"'.
Thank you

Posted by: ayush_gupta @ Jan. 23, 2021, 10:52 a.m.

Thank you for your kind message. We just activated the team option, sorry for the delay. Please add a team name to your profile and register to the competition as described here:
We also added the "Team merger deadline" on the competition presentation page. Competitors can create, register and join existing teams until this date.
The EmoRecCom Team

Posted by: crigaud @ Jan. 25, 2021, 4:27 p.m.
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