ACRE Dry-Run Cascade Competition Forum

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> Final phase reopens

Dear participants,
We have received some requests to reopen the Final phase because of a misunderstanding with the deadline. The original deadline was indicated as 22 January 2021, midnight UTC.

Even if most often midnight is considered the start of a new day and is associated with the hour 00:00 (also by ISO 8601-1:2019), we recognize that the term is ambiguous.

For this reason, we decided to reopen the Final phase to accept the last submissions. The Final phase reopens from 28 January 2021, 22:00 UTC, to 30 January 2021, 00:00 UTC.

Also, the new maximum number of submissions for the Final phase is 10. Your current counter of the number of submissions for the Final phase will not be reset. For example, if you have already made 9 submissions, you will have just one remaining submission in the additional day.

Remember that submissions are put on the leaderboard in any case, even if they do not beat the old score. This means that we will consider your last submission on the leaderboard (not necessarily the best one).

For knowing your score write an email at Put in the email object "Score request - your_codalab_username" and leave the email's body blank. We'll try to answer as soon as possible. If you desire a specific leaderboard score use this email object "Score request - your_codalab_username [- [team] [crop]]" (square brackets mean optional argument).

Best regards,
ACRE organizers.

Posted by: acre_account @ Jan. 26, 2021, 10:44 a.m.
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