Dear Coordinators,
Will we see our submission results for crosslingual and multilingual tasks besides English-English? It would be very helpful to the development process - especially for the crosslingual task since we have no data beside the trial data.
Thank you,
Yes, you will receive a score for each dataset submitted!
Best regards,
The MCL-WiC team
Great! I've actually made a that contained an output for both the multilingual Arabic-Arabic and cross-lingual English Arabic a few days ago but I still haven't received any results. Do they appear on the website or do I get them by email?
Posted by: SU-NLP @ Jan. 25, 2021, 10:33 a.m.Hi, I have sent submissions with cross-lingual and multi-lingual predictions and there are no info about results. I have spent one of my tries only to try to submit only en-en prediction, which I had submitted earlier along other sets. Could you please provide me with scores?
Adis Davletov
I have also made a submission (with results of all multilingual and cross-lingual test sets), but there seems to be no entry to view the scores. May I ask whether the scores will later be displayed on the web page or sent by email?
Best regards,
Uppsala NLP
Hi ,
You said "Yes, you will receive a score for each dataset submitted!", but I see only one score and that is -1 when I submit for an En-En task!
About the previous reply "you will receive a score for each dataset submitted!", how will the scores be delivered? So far, the results&submission page only provides a "FINISHED" status, and no other results.
Thank you!
Posted by: camille_yhl @ Jan. 27, 2021, 8:02 a.m.Dear Participants,
thank you very much fro your participation. Concerning the results of your submission, please consider that:
1) at the moment the results are not published, we decided to keep the leaderboard private.
2) Results will be published after the evaluation end.
Thank you for your cooperation!
WiC Organizers