> Format of the Paper

Dear Participant,

Please use the CEUR-WS format which corresponds to LNCS. The final submission needs to be in pdf, otherwise, there are no restrictions.

Please look at papers from last year to get an idea of the typical sections: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2517/

Good luck!

Best Regards,
HASOC Competition Organization Team

Posted by: gautamshahi @ Oct. 1, 2020, 12:08 p.m.

Please check, if below overleaf latex template good for paper submission?


Posted by: pankajsingh @ Oct. 5, 2020, 3:17 p.m.

Dear participants,
Here we are sharing the detail description of the paper. please write your papers with great care and describe your systems as well as possible.

Each paper will be reviewed.
You will get informed about the changes required after the review process.

- Please do a basic sanity check for grammatical errors and reported results before submitting. Have someone else read and correct the paper. Otherwise, we will need to return it
- Papers should have sufficient information for reproducing the mentioned results
- Papers need to follow the appropriate style (We will use CEUR style: details below)
- Check your paper for text reuse / Plagiarism. This includes self-plagiarism as well. We would like to stress this point as CEUR is quite strict about it. Any paper found to have plagiarized content will be rejected without further consideration.
- It has been commonly observed that several teams write more than one working notes (for e.g. separate submissions for separate subtasks) and reuse a substantial portion of the text in these multiple submissions. Keeping this in mind, we will NOT be allowing multiple working notes from the same set of authors. They should be asked to merge them into one.
- Please ensure the author names do not have any salutations like Dr., Prof., etc in the final version
- Each paper must have a copyright clause included in the paper (See the"Author agreement variants" at http://ceur-ws.org/HOWTOSUBMIT.html)
- Each author must also submit a copyright agreement signed by the authors. (Partially filled agreement will be shared shortly).
- Please cite the overview paper is a consistent form. We will provide further information about this before final submission.

All submissions must be in Single column CEUR format. Authors should use one of the CEUR Templates below:
- Overleaf: https://www.overleaf.com/read/gwhxnqcghhdt
- Word and Latex: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/CEURART.zip

Posted by: gautamshahi @ Oct. 6, 2020, 9:08 a.m.

In the previous two replies in this thread, two different Overleaf templates are suggested for the paper by HASOC organizers. It is bit confusing. Which one should we uses finally?

Suggested templated 1: https://www.overleaf.com/read/ntmctppwdcnm
Suggested template 2: https://www.overleaf.com/read/gwhxnqcghhdt

Posted by: pankajsingh @ Oct. 6, 2020, 1:04 p.m.

Dear Participant,

Thank you for pointing out. From 2020, the conference organisers have changed the format. To avoid confusion, we have removed the old link. So, the correct format is mentioned below
Overleaf: https://www.overleaf.com/read/gwhxnqcghhdt
Word and Latex: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/CEURART.zip

Good luck.

HASOC organisers team

Posted by: gautamshahi @ Oct. 8, 2020, 8:10 a.m.

Please share the bibtex of the papers (overview, data collection etc.) that needs to be cited in the description paper?

Posted by: pankajsingh @ Oct. 20, 2020, 7:31 p.m.

dear Organizers
I would like to request some information about reviews of working notes as still we didn't get any mail for our team?

Posted by: fazlfrs @ Nov. 20, 2020, 3:44 p.m.

We haven't received any mail for the reviewed paper, as mentioned in the competition timeline tomorrow i.e 23rd is the last date to submit a revised paper.
Any updates?

Posted by: RRaj @ Nov. 22, 2020, 8:01 a.m.
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