DAI2020 SMARTS Competition Track 2: Multi-Agent Collaboration Forum

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> Missions and scenarios

I am a bit confused by how the overall structure of the SMARTS environment and I would like to ask a few questions about it.
First of all, how are the scenarios and missions defined?. Scenario is essentially a map and all the traffic participants, right? Then, what is a mission?
As far as I understand, mission specifies what EGO agent should achieve and multiple missions can be present in a single scenario simultaneously. For example, there are 4 missions in crossroads/2lane which means that there are 4 EGO agents acting in the same environment. What really confuses me, is that environment can be created with one agent or number of agents equal to number of missions. What is happening in the former case? If there is one agent, environment also provides observations for only one agent which makes it seem like a single agent environment. What is happening with other EGO agents in this case?
I am sorry for these variety of stupid questions, but I failed to figure it by my own.

Posted by: gr1 @ Aug. 26, 2020, 9:39 p.m.
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