I submitted two codes:
inverseaverageradius.zip 10/28/2020 14:19:31 Running
lessexamples.zip 10/28/2020 15:19:32 Finished
They are basically the same, with the exception of lessexamples.zip using less examples in training set for faster running time (at cost of increased variance).
I would like to keep only one of those two solutions. That is, if inverseaverageradius.zip timeout, fall back to the score of lessexamples.zip, otherwise keep only the score of inverseaverageradius.zip and delete lessexamples.zip
The reason I submitted lessexamples.zip was to ensure tat least one valid submission before the end of the competition (I was running into issues due to timeout and OSError 28 [Errno 28]), but I must say that inverseaverageradius.zip was running fine during development phase (no timeout).
I have another code currently running:
A) AlgueRythme 10/30/2020 14:11:00 Running
Somebody else in my team already submitted something:
B) cadurosar 10/27/2020 13:31:38 Finished
In conclusion, in addition to A) and B) I would like to keep only one of "inverseaverageradius.zip" or "lessexamples.zip". Which brings the total of the team to 3 according to the rules (as my failed submissions do not count).
If such request is inappropriate on a public forum, sorry for the inconvenience.
Posted by: AlgueRythme @ Oct. 30, 2020, 2:27 p.m.Even though lessexamples.zip finished, it seems that it still ran out of time.
Could you send us an email about the submission and we can try to figure out why it might be running out of time.
Could you also change my submission? I had submitted previously:
1 best Private.zip 10/27/2020 13:31:38 Finished
But it should be changed to my latest one (so that for our 3 submissions, I have 1 and AlgueRythme 2):
2 Smoothness-ClassBugFixed.zip 10/31/2020 07:49:21 Submitted
The one you want failed, and all the succeeded ones you see timed out except for one.
Per my email with you teammate, the one that suceeded is Smoothness-ClassBugFixed.zip 10/31/2020 07:49:21
Please also keep:
invlipschitz.zip 10/30/2020 14:11:00
inverseaverageradius.zip 10/28/2020 14:19:31
Let see if it works with extended runtime.