Predicting Generalization in Deep Learning Forum

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> Submission Format

Could you please elaborate on the exact format of the submission? Should it be a zip containing the .predict files and the code(with a file inside?

Many thanks,

Posted by: ido.benshaul @ Sept. 21, 2020, 4:36 p.m.

You need and a metadata file in the .zip file.
Please refer to the in the starting_kit for details. will run properly if you submit it.

Posted by: ydjiang @ Sept. 21, 2020, 8:50 p.m.

From the pdf describing the competition (, I read the following:

"Each team need to submit a academic-paper-style write up that describes their solu-
tion to be eligible for winning in the evaluation phase."

However, I couldn't find such instruction on Codalab. Has this requirement been lifted?

Posted by: simonc @ Oct. 8, 2020, 2:32 p.m.

We will contact all winning teams for the submission after the competition is over.
If you wish to include the write-up, you can also put it in the .zip file.

Posted by: ydjiang @ Oct. 8, 2020, 4:56 p.m.
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