AIM 2020 Efficient Super-Resolution Challenge Forum

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> Confused about the final ranking criteria

Dear organizer,
Among the evaluation criteria, I have some questions about the evaluation criteria.
1) In the final ranking,if the participates all maintain or improve the PSNR, whether it will weighted score for runtime,parameters,flops,activation and depth and PSNR(or without PSNR)?
2) And whether the weighted score criteria will be published?
3) Will ertra data affect the score?
Hope to clearly clarify the ranking criteria!

Posted by: WenjieXu @ June 4, 2020, 5:46 a.m.

Try your best to improve the efficiency. We will also rank for each aspect.
Since many factors influence the efficiency, we currently do not have the metric.

Using extra training data is allowed and does not affect the score.

Posted by: cszn @ June 6, 2020, 11:57 a.m.
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