When I test my code on Validation set. some images are too large to go through my code such as 3648x2736. It is easy to cause out of memory, if we don't know how much GPU memory we can you at the final competition.
Posted by: WeijianZeng @ June 5, 2020, 6:59 a.m.Dear WeijianZeng,
You can expect images of this size also in the test set. This is part of the extreme aspect of the challenge. It is up to you to devise a way to deal with large images. One approach would be to work on a lower resolution and resize your outputs to the input scale.
The machine that we will use for the test results has an RTX 2080 ti GPU (~11GB of VRAM), 64 GB of RAM and a high-end CPU.
Please let us know if you have any further questions.