ECCV 2020 ChaLearn Looking at People Fair Face Recognition challenge Forum

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> is it allowed to use multi-account?

the two accounts haoxl and ustc-nelslip achieve the completely same score in the leaderboard,
which is nearly impossible unless they are the same one
please make an investigation since it's not fair to others
if multi account for one person allowed, there should be no significance to restrict the Max submissions and I can even get the ground_truth with infinite submissions

Posted by: paranoidai @ June 29, 2020, 12:09 p.m.

Thank you for your comment. This is a very important aspect for a fair competition.
Please note we are checking but at this stage, given that there is no submitted code yet and participants can register with different accounts, it is very difficult to track, but we are checking for this.
Please note we are running a competition in fairness, and as in any competition we expect from all participants a fair and no cheating competition. Any unethical and unfair encountered activity by any participant will be subject to further investigation and dissemination to our research community. We are now sending a message to all registered participants regarding this.

Posted by: juliojj @ June 29, 2020, 1:09 p.m.
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