ECCV 2020 ChaLearn Looking at People Fair Face Recognition challenge Forum

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> Looking for a team-mates

I, Nisarg Shah, am a 3rd-year undergraduate student at the Indian Institute of Technology(IIT), Jodhpur, India pursuing my B.Tech. in Electrical Engineering.
I am looking for a team-mate and guidance to participate in this challenge.
I can get access to X number of 32Gb Nvidia's GPU required for the challenge.
I have my prime interest in the field of Deep Learning, and its applications in Computer Vision and I am skilled in Python, Tensorflow/Theano, Keras, Matlab, C/C++ and have an intermediate level of expertise in PyTorch, OpenCV.
For my detailed information, you can contact me at
Hoping to find a better collaboration/team-mate for the challenge.

Nisarg Shah

Posted by: snisarg812 @ April 28, 2020, 2:16 p.m.
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