BioCreative'21, Task 3 - Automatic extraction of medication names in tweets Forum

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> System description paper

Dear participants,

This year we are keeping the ranking secret until the workshop, where we will announce the winners. I sent the basic statistics to help you compare the performance of your systems with the others (better or worse than the median/mean).

For writing your paper, I recommend evaluating and analyzing the errors of your system on the evaluation set (as the participants have done during the SMM4H challenge: (I have reopened the leaderboard for the post-evaluation but be aware that the 3 best scores will be hidden in the leaderboard. I will reset the leaderboard public after the workshop)

Best regards,

Posted by: dweissen @ Sept. 29, 2021, 9:11 p.m.

Can I please ask where we should submit the paper?

Posted by: pehan @ Oct. 7, 2021, 1:18 a.m.
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