OpenKBP - 2020 AAPM Grand Challenge Forum

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> AAPM presentation

Does anyone know at which session of AAPM2020 the competition winner will present their methods?
Thank you very much!

Posted by: YuliangHuang @ July 4, 2020, 3:04 p.m.

Unfortunately there won't be a Grand Challenge session at AAPM this year. Instead there will be an AAPM research seminar later this summer or early in the fall. We'll likely work out the details for that session after the AAPM annual meeting.

Posted by: OpenKBP @ July 4, 2020, 6:53 p.m.

Dear all,

Any news about the seminar for the winners' presentations?


Posted by: ana_barragan @ Oct. 2, 2020, 3:25 p.m.

Hi Ana,

Thanks for reaching out! We just set up the webinar with AAPM, and we'll send out an announcement on CodaLab a little later today.

In the meantime, the webinar details/registration are here -


Posted by: OpenKBP @ Oct. 2, 2020, 3:44 p.m.

Just realized that link requires AAPM login... I've posted the details here. I'll include a link to registration when I send the announcement.

Webinar #25 -
October 29th at 5pm Eastern
OpenKBP: The Open Knowledge-Based Planning Challenge (An AAPM Grand Challenge)
Panelists: Aaron Babier, Timothy C. Y. Chan, Samuel G. Armato, Skylar Gay, Shuolin Liu, and Lukas Fetty

The Open Knowledge-Based Planning Challenge (OpenKBP) was an AAPM 2020 Grand Challenge that advanced knowledge-based planning research by providing a platform to compare knowledge-based planning prediction methods fairly and consistently. Participants in the Challenge used the same large dataset to train, test, and compare their prediction methods with those of other participants. Overall, the Challenge attracted 195 participants and garnered submissions from 28 unique prediction methods. In this webinar, the organizers of OpenKBP will summarize the Challenge logistics and final results, and the winner and two runners-up will summarize their methods.

Posted by: OpenKBP @ Oct. 2, 2020, 3:47 p.m.

wow! that's perfect timing :) Thanks for the info!

Posted by: ana_barragan @ Oct. 2, 2020, 3:49 p.m.
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