DeepFashion2 Challenge 2020 - Track 2 Clothes Retrieval Forum

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> Welcome paper submission

Dear participants,

Since we will hold CVPR 2020 workshop, we solicit short papers on developing and applying computer vision techniques that are valuable in the creative domains, with an emphasis on fashion, art and design. Accepted short papers will be linked online at the workshop webpage. The page limit is between two to four pages (including references). Accepted papers will be presented at the poster session. One paper will be awarded as the best paper. Please refer to for details.

As your are participating DeepFashion2 challenge, you are encouraged to submit papers briefly describing your methods and results to our workshop.

Please note that the paper submission deadline is April 15th (11:59PM PST).

Best regards,
DeepFashion2 team.

Posted by: geyuying @ March 26, 2020, 4:59 p.m.
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