ChaLearn Looking at People: Identity-preserved Human Detection (Track 2: Thermal) Forum

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> Welcome to this competition track!

Dear participants,

we are happy to be able to finally announce the start of the competition! First of all, our most sincere apologies for the technical issues we faced and which caused a 1-day delay on the start of the competition.

We welcome you to the Identity-preserved Human Detection (IPHD) competition (,
sponsored by ChaLearn Looking at People and associated to the 15th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG2020)
that will take place in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Hopefully, you will enjoy the competition and achieve a top ranked position in this or all three competition tracks.

If you have any doubts let us know. Also if you encounter any problem let us also know ASAP, so we can get it fixed.

And remember, we will be waiting not only for your competition contribution, but also for your outstanding paper submission to the workshop associated to this challenge:

Thank you all for participating :)
Best regards
The organizing team

Posted by: aclapes @ Nov. 19, 2019, 7:26 p.m.
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