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> Submission failure: Execution time limit exceeded!

My submission ran for >1.5hr and was killed in the middle of the 135th episode out of the 140 in the evaluation process. Is there a hard limit on execution time? Could you possibly relax that limit?

Posted by: Team34 @ Dec. 11, 2019, 8:33 a.m.

Hi, Yes there is a 1 hour limit on the evaluation run-time, if you were seeing longer delays, it's probably due to queuing times while CodaLab is waiting for workers to be freed up.

1 hour should be plenty of time to complete the 7 test cases. There are two main reasons where you might see a slow down 1. your evaluation worker was scheduled on a machine with noisy neighbors, 2. your code might need some performance tune ups. Unfortunately we don't have much control over (1), as a test, if you re-submit successfully it suggests this might be the case. On the other hand, (2) is the more likely situation.

For diagnosing slow parts of your policy, look into a tool like this one here:
Try running the script that comes with the starter kit examples with a profiler like the one linked above and see if you can spot any inefficient code paths.

Hope that helps and best of luck

Posted by: HuaweiUK @ Dec. 12, 2019, 6:43 a.m.
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