2019 Untapped Energy reCLAIM Data Competition: Regression Challenge Forum

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> WellSymbPt1

I find ‘WellSymbPt1’ column in the data file, however, I couldn’t find the information in the data dictionary.
Anyone can guide me where I can information about this column?

Posted by: bensalekue2019 @ Oct. 20, 2019, 3:19 a.m.

WellSymbPt1 is just a generic tag from our ESRI database to identify the WellType. It seems that we forgot to remove it in time for the competition. I recommend just dropping the column.

It will just indicate what kind of well you're looking at as follows:
Oil & Gas

Posted by: SteveJ @ Oct. 21, 2019, 3:10 p.m.
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