> Submission Format

Hi there! I am trying to submit my team's test set prediction but no matter what I try my submission fails. I have a test.txt file with each line being the string value of the predicted label (no header or index). I then renamed the test.txt to test.predict and then compressed the file to be test.predict.zip. Where in the process am I wrong? Thank you so much!

Posted by: igw212 @ May 10, 2020, 1:02 a.m.


I just checked your last submission that failed to go through.
Indeed, your submission file name is test.predict. However, your submission contains 3490 lines which could be the problem. In addition, macOS generate an additional "hidden folder" in the .zip called __MACOSX that is only shown in different OS, this could also be the reason.

Could you please try fixing/removing both and re-submitting?

If the problem persists, please contact me again!

Thank you!

Posted by: lucaschaves @ May 12, 2020, 6:21 p.m.

My issue was removing a line with bad formatting resulting in 1 less line. Works now!

Posted by: jeswan @ May 12, 2020, 6:26 p.m.
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