AIM 2019 Video Temporal Super-Resolution Challenge Forum

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> Testing phase and final submission guide

Dear AIM 2019 VTSR challenge participants,

Testing phase just started.
Please submit your results on test data as the development phase protocol.
Participants have 3 submission chances and the last submission will be valid.

We will also collect the full test results via email.
The files submitted via email should be from the exact same method as the last submission on this CodaLab site.
Please check out the updated factsheet and the submission guide.
Note that email should be sent to all of the 4 email accounts:;;;

[Email submission template]
title: AIM 2019 Video Temporal Super-Resolution Challenge - TEAM_NAME
body contents should include:
a) the challenge name
b) team name
c) team leader's name and email address
d) rest of the team members
e) team members with AIM2019 sponsors
f) team name and user names on AIM2019 CodaLab competitions
g) executable/source code attached or download links.
h) factsheet attached
i) download link to the results of all of the test frames (135 x 30 = 4050 frames)

The executable/source code should include trained models or necessary parameters so that we could reproduce results.
There should be a README or description that explains how to execute the executable/code.
Factsheet must be a compiled pdf file. We would appreciate detailed explanations about the method.
For those teams willing to participate in co-authoring the challenge report, please provide factsheet source files together.

Seungjun, Sanghyun, Radu

Posted by: SeungjunNah @ Sept. 3, 2019, 1:33 a.m.

When will the validation 30, 60fps data released?

Posted by: BumjunPark @ Sept. 3, 2019, 3:37 a.m.

Thanks, but I want to know why I get psnr 0, ssim 0 after uploading the test results?
Is test results the same with the validation phase, interpolate 15fps to 30fps, then upload the 4, 36, .... 356 frames?
I upload the test frames as the validation structure, but I get psnr 0?

Posted by: wangshen233 @ Sept. 3, 2019, 4:31 a.m.


We have unexpected issues in the release of the validation set and discussing about it.
We will notice the release of the validation data as soon as possible.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience.


To avoid overfitting to the test PSNR and SSIM, we will not release the evaluation results until the end of the competition.
All the evaluation metric is set to 0 on the leaderboard.
I'm sorry for not noticing about this before.
We encourage the participants to use validation results to get feedback.

Posted by: SeungjunNah @ Sept. 3, 2019, 7:50 a.m.

Hi Seungjun,

It's great to avoid over-fitting to those metrics.
I just want to double check with you on the test set submission format.
I only have to upload the intermediate frames of the 30fps video results instead of the 60fps video results.
Am I right?

Thanks for your kind response.


Posted by: wangshen233 @ Sept. 3, 2019, 8:33 a.m.

Dear Wang,

Yes, you're right. The test submission format on this CodaLab site is the same as the validation submission format.
You can submit restoration of 30fps video frames.
The frames to be submitted are 4, 36, 68, 100, 132, ..., 292, 324, 356-th frames. (4+32n, n = 0, ..., 11)

Email submission should contain 60fps video frames except for the input 15fps frames.

Posted by: SeungjunNah @ Sept. 3, 2019, 8:42 a.m.

Dear BumjunPark,

We just released the validation GT. and files are now available with Google drive links.
SNU CVLab links will be working soon.

Thank you for your patience.

Posted by: SeungjunNah @ Sept. 3, 2019, 9:33 a.m.
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