DeepGlobe Building Extraction Challenge Forum

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> The format to submit result

Hello, could you provide a example template that we can submit results or an API to transfer our image into the corresponding format.
Thank you very much.

Posted by: Ivyer @ March 27, 2018, 7:29 a.m.


The required format for the solution is a csv with 4 columns
See below for a snippet:

ImageId: The Image name of the chip without the extension or the Image Type description.
i.e. AOI_2_Vegas_img2144
BuildingId: The Building Id. This is a number starting at 1 and increasing in count for each polygon. If the Image is empty set the building id = -1
PolygonWKT: This is a WKT String of the Polygon Describing the building footprint. ( If this is an empty chip set this to "Polygon Empty"
Conf: This is the confidence ranking of the polygon.

An example of how to generate the PolygonWKT is to use

AOI_2_Vegas_img2144,1,"POLYGON ((571.34 510.8 0,496.2 516.23 0,500.02 550.67 0,508.61 550.05 0,509.28 556.12 0,500.69 556.74 0,501.94 567.96 0,510.03 567.38 0,510.76 573.9 0,502.66 574.48 0,504.2 588.32 0,512.65 587.71 0,515.39 612.46 0,506.95 613.07 0,508.28 625.1 0,514.88 624.62 0,517.69 650.0 0,580.48 650.0 0,579.59 641.94 0,590.96 641.12 0,588.83 621.93 0,581.06 622.49 0,579.4 607.57 0,577.92 594.23 0,585.69 593.67 0,584.93 586.75 0,580.22 587.09 0,578.05 567.58 0,572.85 567.95 0,568.68 530.44 0,578.6 529.73 0,578.05 524.81 0,572.94 525.17 0,571.34 510.8 0))",1
AOI_2_Vegas_img2144,2,"POLYGON ((627.03 560.04 0,623.45 575.78 0,642.35 578.58 0,645.92 562.83 0,627.03 560.04 0))",1

Thank you,

Posted by: dlindenbaum @ March 27, 2018, 10:35 p.m.
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