Dear participants,
Thank you very much for your interest and active participation in the RICATIM. As you may know, the final phase is rapidly approaching. We are about one week from the deadline. A couple of things for you to consider:
1) Validation labels and test data will be released on august 14, hence, you will able to use labeled validation data for training your models, and then submitting predictions for the test data (you will have two days for this).
2) Beware of overfitting: Please remind that the winners of the challenge will be determined by looking at their test set performance. The performance has considerably improved the baseline, which is great, just keep in mind the overfitting phenomenon.
3) Since we will have to verify the code of the top ranked participants for determining the winners, please try to make as clear as possible your code We will not owe any rights on your code and will keep it confidential (remember that for getting prizes you must make eventually your code publicly available), we just will verify that everything is fine.
Please let us know of any comment, question you may have. Many thanks again for your active participation, it is so exciting to see how competitive this challenge has become.
Organizing team
Posted by: hugo.jair @ Aug. 8, 2017, 4:47 p.m.Dear Organizers,
The zip files for final phase asks for a password. Moreover I have a couple of questions about final phase:
1. How many attempts can we do? Only one?
2. If multiple attempts are allowed. They will be averaged? The best score is used? There are penalties?
kind regards
Posted by: job80 @ Aug. 14, 2017, 12:33 a.m.Hi,
The passwords will be made available in a few hours.
The last submission will be taken as your final submission, so it is up to you. You can submit as many submissions as you want (5 per day limit will apply), but you will not have feedback on your test set performance, still the last submission will be your final one.
Posted by: hugo.jair @ Aug. 14, 2017, 1:21 a.m.