NTIRE 2017 Super-Resolution Challenge - Track 2: Unknown downscaling - x2 Forum

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> Final Testing Phase and Team Registration

Dear Participants,

(1) The final phase of the NTIRE2017 super resolution challenge is ongoing.
Note that the leaderboard is hidden for this evaluation phase, so you can submit your predictions as usual (same protocol from the validation/development phase) but the final ranking will be released after the end of the challenge together with the selected winners and the awards and prizes.
The last entry matters.

(2) We need that all the "team leaders" to send an email to radu.timofte@vision.ee.ethz.ch with the subject: "NTIRE 2017 Super-Resolution Challenge - (TRACK NAME) (TEAM NAME)" and in the body of the email you should provide:
a) Name of the team that will be used for results submission in the final evaluation phase;
b) Name and email of the team leader;
c) Names of the rest of the team members;
d) Information about the team or any team member affiliation with NTIRE sponsors (NVIDIA, SenseTime, Twitter, Google) or organizers;
e) Name of the team and its users during validation;
f) A download link for their codes / executables.
Alternatively, a link for download of the Codalab dataset of your code / executable or its KEY (as described below).
To upload your code / executable, you can create a dataset in Codalab by using the tab "My Competitions -> My Datasets", and create a new dataset. After uploading the archived code / executable, you will have a KEY assigned to your dataset. We need the KEY to access and download your data.
In case of a new version of the code / executable, the team leader will be required to send another email with the same information for a new dataset and a list of changes.

The reproducibility of the results is a must to be eligible for awards. For this each awarded team should provide at least the executables. Providing also the codes is a BIG plus.
We will have 3 categories of entries in the final test ranking:
1) checked with publicly released codes and executable;
2) checked with publicly released executable;
3) unchecked (with or without released codes or executables).

(3) As mentioned at
there will be several awards. The performance is the main criteria for deciding the winners, however there will be awards for a couple of (sub) categories.
The winner(s) and awardee(s) of such a (sub) category will not necessarily be among the overall top methods of the challenge (in ranked PSNR scores terms).
Novel and interesting methods are encouraged.
All winners/awardees will receive certificates and eventually prizes consisting from NVIDIA devices and/or money.

(4) The templates for the fact sheets (solution description and technical details) will be published in the data section of the competition before April 16.

(5) All the winners/awardees and also participants with top ranking methods and/or interesting methods will be invited to co-author the challenge report and to submit papers to the challenge track of NTIRE 2017 workshop.

Thank you for your participation and enjoy the final phase of the competition.

Best regards,
The Organizers

Posted by: Radu @ April 11, 2017, 8:57 a.m.
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